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1001 low carb diet recipes -

21-12-2016 à 12:42:36
1001 low carb diet recipes
and He can help you too. High fat diet and toxic buildup in your digestive system. I even went back to the doctor office only to come home with three new prescriptions all for nausea which I could try and see which one I liked best. Cant even enjoy food and after reading a post from a doctor on the first page here it has made me even more depressed and frustrated at the doctor who did the operation. I had my gallbladder removed 7 months ago, I still have pain in the right side and shoulder pain comes and goes. Everyone needs to learn what and how to eat, we as a society overeat and eat all the wrong things hence the issues with our Gallbladders and for me my weight. For example baked potato(and some of peeling) and hashbrowns. After 4 days in the hospital and all of that done I was able to go home and eat anything I wanted really. Add in a cup of salt free veggie broth. It was trial and error on what I ate and weather or not I was going to end up in pain. Best of luck to you all, hopefully you will have a better experience. 10:30 ate crackers. I was supposed to return to school yesterday, but when I got there the nurses and principals said I still looked like I was in too much pain to be at school because I was still walking crouched and limping. I have one cup of coffee and a small glass of milk in the mornings. That day i just drank water and a few spoons of ice cream for my throat. In general we as Americans eat to large of a portion size. Started out bland foods, potatoes, applesauce, chicken and rice. I had gallbladder surgery 5 months ago and for the most part have felt fine and not had any issues with food. Needless to say this surgery effects each one of us differently. JOHN took the herbal cure and after taking it or a week and some days. Carbonated beverages I rarely eat but they cause problem as well. From all the blogs I read and from my own opinion only about 2% felt better 98% still experience all the pre op symptoms and some developed other infections. One consultant keep saying it could be Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Is there something I can do I am constantly belching and full of gas. Of 2015. I stay away from the basics like fried, oily or greasy foods. Just wondering if there was any good reading material or information available that anybody could advise. I also have problems with any type of dark pop as well. Is it in the long run bad for my liver that the numbers are towards the high side. I gall bladder was removed several years ago and I am 73 years old. I have missed work days and I am worried, feel gets getting worse. Had my gallbladder out a little over a month. Trying to reintroduce the food I have not eaten for months and its going ok. I try to get as much cardio in my day as I can. Oh and she has totally turned off of anyrhing with tomato in it. First, let me tell you I am 42 years old and had the gastric sleeve surgery about 8 months ago. Until then any advice from a doc other than no fatty foods because anything hurts me. I do wonder is it because they used staples instead of sutures. I began eating very small meals but on the eighth day woke up a 2am with severe, severe stomach pain. I have noticed however, that my urine often has floating grease on top of it. But I also tried to eat a Ground Turkey cheeseburger. The pain was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life, to be honest, it embarrassed my Wife as my moans and screams of agony were, well lets say a little embarrassing. gastric,back ache, sometimes headache as well. I normally drink up to 10 to 12 coffee a day cream no sugar god help me if have to stop coffee. I had polyps in my gallbladder and suffered for almost 3 yrs because I was afraid of have the surgery again from reading comments. I just had my gallbladder removed on June the 13th 2014. com that if your GB is not sick, ruptured or diseased you can get the stones out. Yes. Salads and fresh tomatoes have the same effect as well. We have to stop very frequently and sometimes it comes on very quickly and she has to run to the bathroom. I am turning to the internet in hopes that I can learn from others who have had the surgery, but I feel like I should have been given this information already from my surgeon. The related deoxyribose is a component of DNA. I also had a Casseddia at Boston Pizza - that also has gone right through me once - cramps - also Yellowish stool. Bacon, biscuits and gravy for breakfast, cheeseburger and okra for lunch, stuffed jalapenos for dinner, normal BM. but for two days now I have had pain in upper back and stomach. I lost about 25 lbs in the 3 months waiting for the surgery. I am really surprised that patients are not consulted in full on the diet choices and post surgery food intake. Since I had my surgery I am afraid to eat because I always feel very nauseous. The positives on this blog has been very helpful. I stopped travelling almost completely unless I knew 100% that a bathroom would be close by. But now im 8 days in i had a piece of baked chicken and salad and im holding it down. Also happy to report that contrary to what people say weight loss is no more difficult post op. I feel I am doing ok then it all kicks off again. My mother is still feeling the same problems which she had before surgery. It gives the body time to adjust the digestive system to cope without a gallbladder. Donna McAdams. I am a coffee drinker and about died the first time I had some post op 5 days later. I had my gallbladder removed I have times where I can eat almost everything. The natural bile salts in this product will help you digest fats and fat soluble vitamins more thoroughly. I just had my gallbladder removed just about 4 weeks ago and I am finding that no matter what I eat I have trouble digesting it. I now 42, able to live the life I want only that after having my gall bladder removed, i need to locate the loo before I indulge in eating. ) Small portions. But no one on the ground told me specifically that it would be very rough muscle-wise for the first 3 days or even a week. I just had my gallbladder removed on February 23, three days ago. On the run before hand I could drink a kellogs. GB surgery 7 days ago, once over anaesthetic (nausea) thing have settled. I also have no problem with tea with 1% or 2% milk. I eat meat and greens mostly, a little fruit and persistent pain in mid-back. I do think it would be helpful if more doctors explained about the element of pain in laparoscopic surgery after the procedure. Talk to your doctor and ask about using Omeprazole for relief. emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack because of where the pain was. very, very embarresing. Lunch: Cambells or Healthy Choice Tomato soup-Water only. I eat a lot less meat and way more fruits and veggies. Gas X ( simethecone)relieves it. It has only been a week since my gallbladder removal and honestly I feel lost not knowing what to eat. Anyone who recovered quickly from this surgery, bless you. I think it is important to go slow before trying to eat most things. Had my GB removed 16 mos. Thanks all and I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Then they did surgery on me and put 2 stints in the bile ducts, one small one that fell out on its own and the second one which is bigger will be taken out at the beginning of October. I eat a lot of salads and grilled chicken. Went to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack. I have eaten spaghettini with Tomato sauce as my largest meal so far and everything went down just fine and settled fine. Ten years post surgery -still have pain, diarrhea if I am not careful. (Doctors said it should take 2-3 weeks). It was removed because it was not functioning. A 3rd ultrasound showed fluid still remaining in the gallbladder cavity. This for her is an inconvenience not only for the fact of the discomfort but also needs to make sure she stays close by a restroom to avoid an acciden. My surgeon suggested kids size portions for the next 6 months. Other than that no problems, and I rather have this issue than the pains I would wake up with any day. I used to be a constipated person, not any more. Sorry for being graphic but it was yellow explosive diarrhea with black stringy black stuff in it. I am afraid to live my life in fear of having accidents. I have to use Preparation H all the time because my runs are so acidity that it burns my bum. I had gallbladder surgeryin july of 2016 and I continue to have diahrrea, constipation ans severe abdominal pain but severe pain in my legs and lower back as well. THought it was healing from the surgery but now think it is seeing how to adjust to the change. So today, I had hard boiled egg with a turkey slice sandwich, oh man, NEVER AGAIN. 16th 2015 was the date of surgery to remove my gallbladder. Still trying to figure out what I can and cannot eat without it bothering my stomach. Had my gallbladder removed a little over a year ago. I have 1 problem since before the removal of my gallbladder. Some days just the wonderful groundhog day chicken noodle watered soup. Then determine if you under or over produce bile. I started an elimination diet a few days ago starting with wheat and oat bran which are two foods that are difficult for the body to break down after a gallbladder removal. Anything over 13g of fat, and my stomach would protest. I become light headed and have wavy spasms that emanates from the stomach and leaves me off- colour a moment or two and often leaves me with a headache. what do u guys think. I had my gallbladder removed 6 months ago. Like they said on here, all depends on the individual. Anyways, after this many years you get to know what foods will give you cramps and cause you to rush to the bathroom. I am 60 and would have appreciated just what the gallbladder does and the long time effects eating old ways would result in gaining weight. I even ate a fattier meal later today making sure not to have any caffeine and have felt great. Cottage cheese and some cheese slices a day dose help. after every meal within an hour or 2 I have to go to pass motion which gets quite embarrassing as my stomach gets bloated and gassy and I have to run to the toilet. I enjoy life again. I had my gallbladder removed 9 months ago. However, I have gas quite a bit and I am bloated. I snapped I told the NHS if they did not remove my gallbladder on this admission I was going home to do it my self with my bread knife. I was not given any dietary restrictions, however about 1 month post op I began having severe abdominal cramping and bloating. I finally sought medical help after two weeks and dropping to a measly 115 pounds. 18 November I had the return to work and unfortunately lost my job due to to many absences. i stay constipated all the time. Within 30 minutes of leaving the hospital (same day) I was going through McDonalds drive through. 2012, am posting this on Mar. Always drinking lots of water and Gatorade diluted with water for at least 4 days I kept a similar diet increasing my intakes as my body told me it wanted more or less. Within 30 minutes i am having GI symptoms. I am fed up with the lack of care after this surgery. Checking my spreadsheet for the year, I saw that I typically ate 30-40 grams of fat in an entire day. This is a puzzle as I thought both contained caffeine. I relieved it by bending over my bed and rocking back and forth. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2010, i was going to so many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that my body can be OK. I had gallbladder surgery last Monday and im having troubl with what to eat. I learned just how everything works. They took a CT scan and said there were gall stones causing the discomfort and admitted me to the hospital for surgery the next morning. for the time I been home from the Hosp. Hope something changes soon, cause I am literally sick of this. Besides, we eat to live not live to eat. I didnt understand why because I didnt then. All that before leaving the hospital that night. I had my gallbladder removed 20 years ago and never stopped eating anything. I had my gallbladder removed a week ago and im miserable. I had my GALLBLADDER SURGERY the July 13 2016. I had an inch size gallstone and doc said this caused my stomach cramping. I had a large gallstone removed by laparoscopy six weeks ago. I beleive that we have to be the judge of what and how much we put in our diet. The surgeon stated that due to a trauma or even from birth,my gall bladder was not attached to my liver as it should have been. And besides her suffering my water bill is. I did great as long as I maintained a bland diet. I plan on adding Murilax to my drinks as well. I really do not have problems with whole grains in small amounts. Now I need to sit on the pot first thing when I get up until I pass what lil gas there is. I have had irritable bowel and bloated Stomache with Cramps. I know my body very well and I know I can stop the pain pills after I start taking the Gasx. She has had constant cramping and diarrhea every day sense the surgery. On the bright side, I am able to stay hydrated. I have been constipated from the pain meds from the surgery, not sure what to take to avoid the sick, bloated feeling. It is not an easy thing for me to do i am a retired french baker. Also, the gallbladder was nasty according the the surgical team. I then thought I might be alittle hungry and ate a pear and alittle cheese. I am careful about fats and try not to eat too much at a meal. Thank you. Everyone is different, so sometimes its just trial and error. I can eat them, but about half a serving. Unfortunately, looking back through the week every time I felt bad I had drank coffee. I am in no more pain, I am no longer vomiting on a daily basis. I juice and that has been easy on my system. Going out for dinner means just sticking to simple foods,, requesting no added oil etc but once you know which foods trigger problems you can obviously avoid them. I called my doctor and I asked him what I should do. All three other incisions have healed much better than that belly button one. I have had my gall bladder removed now for two weeks, after being discharged from hospital my first meal was scrambled eggs on toast,which went down very well. i had gall stones. After couple months I got in medifast diet which helped me to control my portions, disciplined me in eating every three hours and control the fat and sugar on my meals. Im a vegetarian and went vegan to try and control gallbladder attacks. The surgical doctor came to see me but my temp had lowered since been given tramadol, IV Morphine a lot, sickness anti emetic also through IV, and paracetomol. Snacks in between meals are fruit, nuts, or granola bars. My dr. I pretty much just have a snack size meal six times a day. Be aware that after gallbladder surgery some people find that the following are difficult to digest: caffeinated beverages and dairy products. I can eat most things without too many problems except bloating. My body will rid itself of all traces of the meat, coming out either end, VIOLENTLY. Would that have anything to do with my problem. Started feeling better today until just a little bit ago. I ended up with painful intestinal cramps and need to find a restroom fast. I had emergency gallbladder surgery in August 2015 and had it removed laparoscopically. But until now im being careful with what to eat because there still times when i experience same symptoms just like before. And now hurts more when I get a period it hurts soooo bad. Sauerkraut and kimchi are also natural but this might be a dietary nightmare for most people. Started with clear liquid diet, jello, broth, etc. Now one month plus already but i still becarefull with my all activities. I just want to eat a meal like I did 2 months ago. I have had all for my children natural childbirth so I know pain but this was excruciating. Bowel movements are harder to pass so have to keep fiber and lots of water going. Eating has become one of the most difficult things I do during the day. I would suggest if you are struggling start eliminating store or processed foods. You can not eat fatty fried or dairy or you will be is a lot of pain to say the least. Caffeine sends me 50% of the times to the toilet But this happens when i drink it fast. The only thing can bother me is large amount of food. I cant even eat homemade soup only packets of soup. Some days I would get a feeling like a baby was rolling around doing somersaults in my belly. I also am a diet coke addict, which im trying to cut way back on. If I cut out fruit or fibre I seem to get constipated and my. I also had a Casseddia at Boston Pizza - that also has gone right through me once - cramps - also Yellowish stool. I am walking again, starting. I recently had my gallbladder removed 2weeks ago. I take a probiotic but it makes the cramping worse. I find this is really limiting my life as it knocks confidence wondering if you will find public lood in a hurry etc. To tell you the truth recovery started great. I am so upset that Drs do to explain the possible side effects after Surgery. Watch the fat content (e. I had my gallbladder removed on February 24, 2015. And still have an aching stomach and sickness. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on Hepatitis b and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr. I have lost ten pounds, a few of those pounds before the surgery when I was waiting to have it and being cautious at what I ate. Try the Pepto before you eat foods that cause gas. My doctor says give my body time to get adjusted. The positives on this blog has been very helpful. I added the meal to my spreadsheet and found I had ingested 47 grams of fat in about 30 minutes. I try to go slow on extremely fatty foods. Is anorexia the answer, just eat out of human habit but throw it up. It was no fluke the first time - the same pain returned. I am already over weight and I thought removing my gallbladder, I would lose weight. 1996. No discomfort at all, I do find I have to be a little careful when horsing around the snow blower, shoveling and tossing snow also has to be done with a little care,but I get it done. Bloating, pain constant nausea, diarrhea and not wating or enjoying any food. My wife found some information on the Internet, that says that the gases will last for about two weeks. craving for cheese and coffee thouth. I can eat anything, but large amounts of food do leave me very bloated. Ovia, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs which is very expensive to treat and they never cured me. I just read over your info regarding issues after gallbladder removal. I have Celiac Disease, so food choices are limited already. Until I ate a yougurt with fiber, ended up getting nausea and vomited. Sent me for CT scan where they added fat through IV to see how my gall bladder was clearing bile. From reading other comments it seems that some of us suffer more than others. And that smoothie keeps me full for a while. HEART and his ability of restoring broken relationship and marriages. I have to do better with not eating so much of that at home or in a restaurant. I have had problems, and eat no deep fried food, cut down on chocolate, but still having problems years later, to the point my doctor thought I had gasterospirisis, so adjusted my diet. But Dr said it depends on each individual and how bad was condition of gallbladder. I was wrongly diagnosed four times with acid reflux (I do have the disease) I went and had a Hida scan done and my gallbladder emptied out 18% my doctor sat me up for Emergency Surgery and I had it removed that following Monday. I eat Peanut butter toast for breakfast just about every day and I heard that Peanut Butter helps with your digestive system. I keep eating the dry toast for breakfast. Is this my body rejecting the things I eat after. Im about to undergo gallbladder surgery and im afraid to eat the wrong things. Thank you for the information since I did my gallbladder removal today. The nurse at the hospital called her to see how she was and when she told the nurse that. Your body will have issues with dairy, eggs, caffeinated beverages and anything greasy. They also have a product called liver tone plus. I also tried a cup of black coffee this morning and immediately the vomiting and nausea started. I have had serious pain and diarrhea in the past but bowel movements are normal now. I had already taken two Tums before I called and drank at least 8-10 oz. I saw too many doctors and specialists to count, and not one of them mentioned my gall bladder. of course we all know WHY its called M-O-N-E-Y. after one month i continue my soft meal because im scared of Diarrhea, bloating, gas which makes me uneasy. When I was able to go back to my normal diet, I was unable to keep anything down. Heavy ness after taking dinner and eating more than your need. The next day day same bland diet I had walleye baked with lemon carrots and brown rice for New Years. I decided to go to another hospital the doctor laughed at me. Literally drinking some now, mixed with water, and eating white rice. I eat lots of vegetables,but some times I like meats and cheese. Since then I have had a couple of embarrassing incidents. He also have the herb to cure this below diseases. so bad that I considered going to the emergency. I wish I could eat good food to make me happy. Even after 6 months, my body still has a real problem with meat products and dairy. My gallbladder was removed over a year ago, and when I eat to many vegetables I immediately have to run to the bathroom as in asap. I was hesitant to try Ox Bile capsules, but I was desperate to relieve my daily stomach aches due to a lack of a gall bladder. My breathing is worse as have asthma and COPD. Slept for 2 - 3 hours and was able to drink some tea. Before suergery I was having horrible waves of nausea, vomiting, occasional sharp pains under left ribs,low grade temps, and mid sternal heaviness. I had my gall bladder removed almost two months ago. I just had gallbladder surgery last Thursday, I have had such severe pain from eating anything. So, you are correct, the diet depends on the patient. My doctor told me to play around and see what happens. I had mine takin out three weeks ago few weeks before i could not eat only blinded foods n non hrease food two days before my stomach felt like it was going to burst open they removed only thong i can keep down is mashed potaoes brown gravy n rolls r fish on wheat bread ive lost bout 40 pounds i can drink anything besides Gatorade two n water everything else hurts me. I just had my gb taken out on Feb 4th this year and was doing great immediately after surgery and was eating well. I have been eating Philly Cheesesteak and high quality cheese burgers without a problem. I can handle peppermint tea and ice tea with lemon for drinks, but my go to is ginger ale. I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time. I am a young woman with no other health issues and one attack of stones with a duct blockage. I just hope the pain subsides soon. Also after surgery I would avoid going out to eat as much as possible. The second I woke I knew it was the right decision. I started off with jello, popsicles, and pudding the first day, then added mac and cheese and potatoes and finally meats of all kind and so far so good. Had both gall bladder and appendix removed at the same time 12082014 due to appendicular abcess and small amount of gall stones( actually had been having IBS symptoms some shorter and few longer episodes and everytime i had longer episodes os spasms for 10 days ER found gall stones and appendicitis both times so decided to get rid of them so they can be ruled out). My son is a student at Missouri Science and Tech. He said eventually the body would normalize, but there was no time table. Another symptom is extreme tiredness after eating too much fat. Oh had gained 40 pounds over last 3 years and another 20 pounds on the diet recommendations fromodern medicine. I have tried electric stimulation and massage therapy with little to no relief. My life has pretty much been ruined since I had my gallbladder removed in the fall of 2010. The first week was miserable due to severe constipation. I have no appetite so I sometimes eat once a day. I am 48 and just had my gallbladder removed, so far, I have followed a simple and bland diet. like fats so I limited the intake. This affects digestion of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. If you eat red meat, get the leanest cut you can afford. I had my gallbladder removed yesterday June 23rd, 2014. The pain is hard to describe it is consistent is a basically a burning sensation. Had my gall bladder removed 10 years ago now and have continuously swung from constipation to diarrhoea. please help and advise as to what to do about this. I can drink Kool Aid and that helps my craving for sweets, along with Italian ice. BM are minimal and range from rock hard to diarrhea. Especially if I ate too much or ate foods that did not agree with me. I had my gall bladder removed in January 2016. I will try some of these suggestions and see if it helps. Still get pains where gall bladder was, and was told this by Dr who did the surgery that occasional pain still may happen in that region, could do nothing about it. I recently found out my LDL is very elevated. the first week I was carefully what I ate. I have had gallbladder surgery 5 days ago. I am 2 weeks post op from gallbladder surgery. I am nowon a path to see what I am able to eat. My son he saw that I was in agonizing pain question me on what I was eating and he told me that lettuce is a no no for those that have had their gallbladder removed because because it is hard to digest and on top of that I have had a gastric bypass as well so I have a smaller stomach and some of the things that I need to avoid coincide with my surgery. I had my gall bladder removed 12 years ago. I would NOT do it again because now I have loose stools everyday which is caused by excess bile (since I no longer have a gallbladder to store it) draining to the intestines. I was scared of what to eat because I read of many individuals who had problems. Recently I have started a trial of a bile sequestrant called whelchol and I have had mixed results. I just had my gallbladder removed on 6. I do not have high blood pressure which is primary use. Cutting dairy portions down to be able to tolerate them but it has only been two weeks so maybe in time will be better. Going back to my normal diet is definitely not working and the advice that the DR. Potato chips--we all love them--maybe try pretzels instead. The removal of my gallbladder took away ALL my symptoms. I continued to have some form of salads or raw vegetables with every meal to help me have bowel movement. I was back on my feet the next day and back to work that Monday. I take it half an hour before meal and it takes care of the gas. i live in halifax,nova scotia,Canada. (little more ham than usual. ( i love Crystal Light) My problem has not resolved but i plan to give this diet a few more weeks. I am 55 year old man had my gallbladder taking out a year ago and i still having problems with everything i eat or drink. Also when reading these comments try to remember everyone is different. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a spell caster cured people Lyme disease. I have noticed that if I eat dairy products I end up with diarrhea along with stomach cramps. 25 miles and up to 2 miles in a week. since then. Any thing I eat makes my insudes blow up. ). I had a 3rd drain inserted and had a change of IV antibiotics. found gases the worst. I gradually re-introduced foods into my diet and I now eat everything with very few problems, except for bloating. After getting on a Thyroid med I got my energy back and started feeling better. I am now just starting to get back on line with bowel movements and getting most of my strength back. I find that if I eat a larger meal, even if it is very low fat, I have pain in the region where my gall bladder used to be, just shortly after I eat and lasts up to 1-2 hours. I have to drink lots of water. because I eat all veg and non veg. Thank you so much for writing this article. I follow a no gluten diet due to tummy pain and inflammation. I LOVE unflavored, sparkling water and I consider a real Coca-Cola a treat. I was eating the bland meals that the Dr. A month later, I have already eaten different things but today I must have had something that really upset my stomach because I experienced some burning stomach pain and nausea. FINALLY, last month during an ultrasound, the culprit was revealed. but other than that I feel great and I hope this continues. I had my gall bladder removed about 6 yrs ago. Not sure what affect this has had but I ate these items sparingly and after meals that were healthier foods. Finding out I really need to eat smaller amounts and chew food slower. Finally I found answers the day after my gall bladder was removed and I am starting to feel sooooo much better now. So I am trying to learn my body functions from fruit and where is my stopping point before it becomes an issue. I eat very healthy ie: fish and chicken only raw veggies and fruit along with low fat dairy products. Only one episode with cramping, I limited my diet to soups the first two days. What I have learned is that gallbladder surgery takes time and effort to recover from. I probably spent 5 yrs in almost constant pain or extreme discomfort just from hemmroids. I get really shaky, nauseous, and just sick to my stomach. I bought low fat yogurt fat free milk and bags of frozen friut. Haha. 5 mths since I underwent lap chole surgery on 19 July 2014. Like peanut butter, i cant even eat it anymore, and spicy foods as well. I amm 66 years old I had my gall bladder removed September 2015. They were able to remove it laparoscopic. The only two times I have had a negative reaction after gallbladder removal was about one month after surgery when I ate bbq ribs and several months after that when I had fried chicken. To connie. I had nothing to eat the past two days so yesterday I had an apple. I had my gall bladder removed in December of 2013. Poor appetite, exhaustion, anger, very temperamental can be aggressive verbally. I have to say I have a high tolerance for pain and have walked around with issues not knowing it could be remedied. Recognizing foods that have been fried even though the food appears dry such as chips that are served in Mexico restaurants with salsa. Lots of green leafy stuff, Olive oil and vinigerette dressing. After surgery I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks to get me back to Heath. 1 tsp to 1 tablespoon in a cup of water pre meal or as needed for symptoms, the only thing I have found that works. After my surgery, I was able to eat anything but minimized my saturated and trans fat intake. everything is normal, no pain, normal bowl movement. Before I was able to eat a lot of bacon and now I can have one piece before I start to get seve pains in my stomach that last for a day or two. I had laproscopic gall bladder removal surgery January 9th. After 5 days managing to stand or do very short walks. For the first two weeks had diarreah in the morning 5-6 times. Any attempts to VERY slowly introduce new items tto my diet result in extreme diarrhea and some vomiting. First thing 95% patients with the gallbladder removed are back to normal eating within a month. To this day, I still have an extremely sensitive GI system. Mashed potatoes-no added fats- even the packets of flavored ones that you just add water to are good and filling. I have been having a really hard time eating. 03. I have been eating everything I did before but trying to eat smaller portions. It hurts, but not that bad. In October it will have been 4 long and agony filled years since I had my gallbladder removed. What pissed me off I never had a gallbladder attached. Learning to value how much grams of fat I should not eat. I also notice that i have to eat smaller meals. At my GP on Monday as cant live like this. After gall bladder removal I endured months of diarrhea. The main thing I have to avoid are refined sugars. So the gas packet get stuck in your intestine an makes your food to stay in your intestine for long that when inflammation comes then sharp pain. Okra, wow have not had fried okra in two years. Tomato was a main problem, but I had always loved pizza so things were always tough. I have had a thyroid problem for 20 years. The Dr gave me nausea medicine,7. So my advice stay from fatty greases foods for at least 2 weeks. At times my stomach feels smaller but not often enough. The only thing I could drink was water, and I could only eat cornbread, white rice with sugar, and chicken noodle soup. Some minimal cramping g here and there but I keep it low fat. At three weeks I went back to work and bring my own food low fat. o. I have not had my surgery yet but I know someone and heard of people that have had gallbladder surgery and they can eat anything they want now. After surgery, the doctor gave me a cheeseburger to see how my body handled the fat and grease. I was released from the hospital yesterday(Tuesday, September 27, 2016), from having my gall bladder removed, precreatitis and I am eating jello, yogurt, soup, broth, apple juice, water, and I can only take a small amount intake. Hope that helps a little. :( I cannot wait until I have energy again. Im having severe problems trying to find what to eat after gallbladder surgery. I had my gullbladder removed 2 months ago. I am however aware of pain in my right side still and sometimes I find it hard to catch a full breath. I have days and sometimes weeks where I get sick after I eat. Struggling to find a diet that does not give me intense cramps, pain and diarrhea. Upon going home I was given a normal diet with my discharge. They told me in the emergency room that I had a gallstone and that I had to stay overnight for surgery the next day. I am from Texas, I want to tell the world how I got cured from herpes simplex virus using the Dr Silver herbal drug. If you are not sure leave it alone altogether. I am still feeling the gas from my subway sandwich a 3 inch sub maybe i should gave not ate the baked chips. I have eliminated all onions for 5 years and am perfectly fine. Will try some fried and fatty foods this week and see what happens. I just had emergency gall bladder surgery after suffering symptoms for over three years undiagnosed. Research on the internet and get as much info as you can. Funny, but still feeling the pain is not funny. I am now wondering if my diet contributed to what is happening to me. I have to remind myself to slow down when I eat. I had my follow-up today. Even still some things like tomato based products give me indigestion very bad. i was badly constipated for 4 days. I have been following post gallbaldder removal recommended diet, which makes one out of three days a bit better. The attacks began coming more often and with less fat involved and the surgery became necessary. I guess it helped because for the third day I could take longer walks and today march 06 I feel really ok. I had a second cup and started to feel uneasy. I had my gallbladder removed June of 2015. I am a woman in her forties who is active and healthy. I just had gallbladder surgery 2 days ago. Eating one or the other or both in combination extremely ill. I have not personally had any issues with digestion of fat or diarrhea as a result of having it removed. It breaks down protiens and Carbs. Next bowel movement I am like a kid the first time he pooped in the toilet. Maybe we are lactose intolerant out of the blue. Note: If anyone wishes to know how a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed, check out YouTube. I dont feel like ill ever be able to have food again this is very jard worst then givin birth to my kids how long does this last. Thank you. I now take an Imodium and eat a smaller breakfast or lunch, carefully monitoring the fat contained in them. I had gallbladder surgery three months ago at the MGH. Stomach cramps, gas, and explosive diarrhea all through this time. I asked my supervisor if I could leave 2 hours early. 6 tiny mini meals a day. Each day is basically an experiment to get you to a comfort level. Things that are a no no are mayonnaise and oily foods. Only that after the first day, I could go back to my normal eating. The main reason I googled the subject was to find out if caffeine would be a problem. If you get constipated or almost normal bowl movements, chances are you under produce bile. I retired at the beginning of 2016 and again began paying attention to everything I ate, because I had splurged too much during the last six months of 2015 and gained more weight than I wanted. The surgeon told me that it had calcified and taking it out was the best thing. I still am having issues after having my gallbladder out. I had a lot of diarrhea, still sometimes. Not really given an option because I had stones. So I spent three days in the hospital before the surgery to get my blood under control. If I am going to have to learn how to eat again, I plan to do it right this time around. m. I wanted to share my experience as I found myself very worried on day 1 and day 2 and I kept searching different websites to read what other patients experienced. I had my gallbladder removed 8 months ago. On Friday the 8th of November 2013, I was again awoken with this pain and vomiting, I had no energy was no longer eating on a daily basis living on water, Still attempting to hold down my job that i was on the verge of losing. very loose stools. I get cramps, bloating, and constipation which is not normal for me. Turns out it was necrotic and perforated and full of stones, so it was good I got it out. Till then I will eat very little and choose carefully what that is to avoid hopefully another episode. I have had this cramping pain under my left breast area many times. Eat a lot of Mediterraen style diet and spicy foods. Now I need to sit on the pot first thing when I get up until I pass what lil gas there is. Im not sure what else i can actually do except accept the weight that i am. whole wheat saltines with little amount of almond butter. I had my gallbladder removed May 28, 2014. My doctor made it very clear that I will need to be careful what I eat after surgery and in the future. 6 to 10 maybe 12 times a day, weather I eat or not. By Day 4 I was up and about running light errands. 15 minutes as passed and I was in excruciating pain. I just had my gallbladder removed in June 2016. I just had my gall bladder removed April 3. I was sick all night with bloating, indigestion and gas. I gad to have an ERCP June of 2015 and had relief for a couple of months but now the pain is back. Also lots of jello and white bread toasted. I never got to talk to the Dr. I just had my gallbladder removed and am also a Diabetic, the list is getting shorter of foods I can eat. However, after reading what you have wrote, I now know that it is due to having my gallbladder taken out. Before surgery had gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and severe diarrhea. My last abdominal ultrasound shows that I have a fatty liver, that was a year ago. The pain before surgery came on in the middle of the night and I saw my doc that afternoon and then admitted to hospital for surgery the following day. I felt my belly full of gas, and also felt with very little bowel movement. I had my gall bladder removed on June 27, 2013. My advice to you is stick to soups, jello and fluids. I had complications and was back in hospital (for two weeks and in a drug induced state for the first week) less than 36 hours after being released. Keep up your fiber intake, getting excersise will help keep your digestive track moving, drink lots of fluids WATER not juice. Your organs are still learning how to work together without your gallbladder. Had my gall bladder removed two weeks ago and two day ago had the worst attack ever. He finally decided he wanted to eat something he normally would. I had my gaul bladder removed 11 years ago when i was 16 years old. After my surgery was very difficult for me to go back to eat normally. I had my gallbladder removed in March of this year and have had a lot of digestive issues. caucasian female with no pre-existing conditions outside of obesity. Surely it cannot be right to have to depend on Imodium frequently. I went vegan four of those months recently and still got bloated and stomach aches. Then I just went back to eating my normal gluten-free diet (I have celiac disease) that includes meat, fruit, veggies, coffee, and dairy. I am now on Warfare and cannot eat many of the foods I should probably eat after the gall bladder removal. Jst 2 months back I had undergone for d surgery of gall bladder stone removal. No food or water for 30 hours, surgery at 715 next AM. I tend it a lot of sweet too but never had a problem with it till now. Hi back in 2011 i gave up drinking alcohol and gained alot of weight. I could no longer go to see friends and family came to visit me, To tidy my house, do my washing and press cold flannels to my head. I have done all the tests in the book though, so I am not sure what could be left (CT, scope, ultrasound, HIDA, blood tests). I have got to the point where I am a little bit scared to eat or drink anything. I am four days out and am trying to eat my first meal in over seven days. I am just diagnosed and soon to have gallbladder removed. After my gallbladder was removed, I had a lot of trouble with fat digestion. The baby cereal is not heavy and I tolerate this a lot better than food. I get cramps after eating certain foods, even though I had eaten the same food the week before with no problem. It did give me BAD gas and it hurt so bad. this is 2016 and I still take it. One before every meal and a good probiotic. I found an acidophilus probiotic at drug store. I had my gallbladder out nearly 4 years ago and still have problems with breakfast foods. Lunch is whole grain bread, one slice, with a little bit of peanut butter. Since the doctor told me that I may not be able to tolerate some foods after the surgery, I continued to monitor everything I ate. I had my gall bladder removed on August 26th 2014. So with the help of the nurse I could sit for a while and then make short walks. Going home and walking was so slow for me and hurts a little on my right side. I stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon and they sent me home. Over time it got better and now I can hold in my pass. Not sure if I will be better off not eating or having some toast. As for the surgery and recovery I feel great. Two things that I tolerated well were grilled cheese and fried egg sandwiches. I think surgeons need more education on preparing their patients for the aftermath. Emergency room cost found nothing wrong, CT, blood tests and urine test. Two weeks after having my gallbladder removed, I came down with acute pancreatitis. I was told nothing from the doctor who told me that my gall bladder should be removed. lean meat. I had severe diarrhea every day after my gallbladder was removed. Have been on the job 32 years and in the last 6 weeks have missed 19 days. My birthday is in January so we had a family Italian meal and it was wonderful. Bought a bag of frozen, and fried it up in plenty of oil. I will tell you I am so constipated I have been eating a lot of fiber cause every one said fiber keeps you regular NOT. I actually came here to see if anyone has any recommendations. I just had surgery to remove my gall bladder and my stomach has not been the same. Wish I could figure out how to fix my situation. They checked me in the hospital no heart beat, more medication. Thanks to RSH oil for helping my husband cure his cancer with his and for also making life worth living once again. I waited 6 years to have it removed and suffered daily with extreme back and right side pain. I had no problem eating at all after the surgery. I am 41 female Hispanic, and I had my gallbladder removed 4wks ago today, and I am also type 1 diabetic insulin dependent. Is this something normal or is this something strange. When I was 28 I had mine taken out due to reoccurring pain. Im now on Orlistat and im still not sure im actually loosing anything. I know everyone is different but this is what I have done in my life. People with compromised liver or digestive function are often vitamin D deficient. I have no bloating or digestive problems, thankfully. I miss pizza but my health is better for it. Avoid high-fat foods, fried and greasy foods, and fatty sauces and gravies. At almost 3 years out, he continues to have problems, while I had very little myself. Start slow with clear broth, soft vegetables like carrots and potatoess, bananas, applesauce, etc. Well it did go away so of course I was starving and ate the fist thing I saw. Found strange that Dr did not mention anything about what to eat, well did say start slow, but nothing specifically. A problem I believe I had along with the gallbladders advancing problem. The hospital wanted me to eat before they let me go. The least enjoyable yet most important meal of the day for me is probably breakfast. To be quite honest is now just a 5 year blur. last night had a salad with fresh tomatoes for the first time- no problems. Three times in two years I had a normal BM. But in general, I have slowly increased and changed my diet. I truly believe through a strange twist of fate that this whole ordeal has saved my life. I use almond milk in my recipes instead of regular milk, and eat nuts, grains, beans, pasta(in moderation), vegies, salads(switched to Italian dressings instead of ranch), chicken(not fried), beef(not a lot but sometimes pot roast, etc), fish(all kinds), and broth based soups(not creamy). I lost 10 lbs since surgery in november, making it 22 lbs total since mid october. Mine was removed 13 years ago when I was 17. Following the surgery I could hardly eat anything. So to the person who canceled their surgery, BIG MISTAKE, or you must not be in to bad of a situation, because if you were, there is no choice. In the morning I felt as if nothing had happened. I just wish that any of the doctors who had been a part of my diagnosis and surgery had talked to me about alternatives. I have left chest pains where they had to put air in them. I had my gall bladder removed about two years ago, and I am really struggling with my diet. I now have to take a stool softener on a regular basis. But soon as I eat it is straight to the bathroom. I take a teaspoon of coconut oil every day between breakfast and lunch. like a gal stone attack for 3 hours. This was after a visit to the ER that Thursday night due to EXTREME abdominal pain. I sure could use a suggested gallbladder removal diet program,or at least somewhat a stronger food guide. For a couple of weeks I had no real problem, but have decided to begin taking it again because I had begun to have a lot of gas pains. My stomach seems to cramp up after every meal. Lots of water all the time, chicken broth, apple juice, white grape juice, Juicy Juice Mango and Gerber Pear juice. Before surgery, I used to snack on pop tarts, cereal, potato chips,candy,etc. I ate fresh fruit and steamed veges for the rest of the day and I had 2 glasses of red wine in the evening. The positives on this blog has been very helpful. Burning sensation and yellowish urine, it seems to. I had my gallbladder removed december 3rd i had chicken at a xmas party and found out that i cant handle chicken it was way to greasy it pretty mych ran right on through me within twenty minutes of eating it. After eating very little so little I feel so full. I find that peanut butter, peanuts, slaw, frozen baked fish in a batter makes me hurt after I eat it. I also have developed REALLY bad acne since my gallbladder has been removed. 20. otherwise i have been fine all day and night. The rate at which the dye collected into the gallbladder was not up to par and they made plans to have the gallbladder removed. I lost about 13 lbs in 2 weeks before my gallbladder surgery and I am just now feeling strong enough to try to experiment with foods 4 weeks later. The doctor said it was the size of a grapefruit. For Dinner I boiled some potatoes and had it with BBQ roasted chicken that my husband brought home for dinner, with salad again. I only hope her recovery is as easy as mine. My Grandma just had a fall bladder removal and she has not had a bowel movement in 3 days. I had my gallbladder taken out July 2015. I was never given any advice whatsoever after the operation about diet. So what has helped considerably is not drinking water toon soon before or after meals. Other than those two times, I have had absolutely no pain or other reactions and I eat the same way as I did before I had surgery. I have not figured out what triggers it except it seems to happen after eating a few days of fatty foods. One of the incisions had to be larger than usual to remove my inflamed gall bladder. I learned just how everything works. However, it can also make gas and cramping worse. I had my gallbladder removed laparoscopic Wednesday October 26th, 2016 at 10:30 in the morning at RVH in Barrie, Ontario. now used to it. finally saw my doctor and told him. I like so many others eat and within 15 min have diarrhea so there is no other reasonable answer to me for this added weight. I will see my dr. Personally if I eat too much fat in my diet i will get violently ill. No one ever told me to follow up with a diet. I do not intend to go back to fried, greasy, or heavy meat meals. Anything with dense fat such as pie crust, upsets my stomach. I have always loved cheese (being from Europe) as well as Milk and. So far I have just been sore but I am experiencing bad stomachs aches after I eat and then diarrhea. I went through so many procedures and had seen many doctors in short peroid of times, but could not find anything abvious. I begged them to look up the amount of times I had been in. After several discussions with others that have had the same surgery, it seems that those who were already on a healthy diet prior to surgery were the least affected by complications afterwards. I had my surgery 06132014 and today is 12132014, 6 months later. I am usually very active so big lifestyle change. If your soup liquid is too low then add like 1 glass of hot boiled water on your soup. Back in Feb 2012 I started having problems when eating anything at all. I try to stick to Baked, rotisory or grilled chicken. If this is your case please write and tell me what you did to help it. In 2004 I was diagnosed with its and colitis. I just had my Gallbladder removed Jan. I knoe I continued to eat what I always ate. I wish I knew where to find some answers to these problems. Last night I vomited all the ice and water back up and it was painful. Everytime I eat something, I wonder if it will cause me chest pain. Feeling real good and baking a pumpkin pie. I am always looking for other recipes also. That is my own case but I have heard a different story with different people. Mostly soups at night and cream of wheat in the morning. Since the surgery I have lost another 5lbs. I am 50 so I understand the slowing metabolism thing but i am very frustrated. I drink about 2 servings of veggie juices. I am Malia, a 26 year old female, who has just recently had my gallbladder removed. No matter what I ate, even water, it seemed to make me sick, I never threw up, just felt like I needed to. Still kinda hurts to move around and sit up, but for the most part I think I am healing pretty nicely. Then adjust as needed to 1\3 or 1 whole until you are more normal. I came into the hospital on July 18 for removal of a fluid cyst. Now, after 4 weeks, I am eating normally - anything I want - and not experiencing any digestion issues at all. Oddly enough, I am thinking of going back on the low fat diet I was told to follow before the surgery to get my weight down again. I thought with having my diseased gallbladder that was functioning at less than 10% being removed would ease all the issues I was previously having. 2x a day), a digestive enzyme (Enzymedica Lypo Gold, 1 before each meal) I found this helps tremendously with gas and bloating, and a good quality high strain probiotic (2 - 3x per day). Testing showed I needed to have gallbldder removed. But we had sloppy joes and that seemed to put him down in bed with a hard belly and pain. He said I needed to walk well i walked like i was on a racetrack. Dec. The best approach is to slowly increase the amount of fiber in your diet over a period of weeks. should I be concerned. I have gained a lot or I should say I go up and down and feel quite depressed over it. I took 2 Tramacet pills and Gravol through IV an hour after waking up from anesthesia. Gluten also seems to play a factor as well. I went back to the surgeon with lots of questions. Bought a cleanse which worked on 6 cleanses and food enzymes to work on anything you eat. There are supplements you can take to digest some fat again. You learn, very quickly what your own body will or will not be happy with. It only has one strand and not all other stuff. Had my gallbladder removed in June 2015. ) I assume your lifestyle prior operation play a big role in the difficulties after operation. Once I began eating according to the Paleo diet and supplementing with probiotics, I no longer had severe digestive problems. I noticed the more I did ab workouts and the tighter my muscles got the worse the symptoms. also encountered a significant weight gain. The pain is still terrible and I am getting hiccups constantly. I think the best you can do is try stuff in small amounts at first to see how it will affect you then add it to your diet. When I wake up the burning is gone until I go to the bathroom again. Pain, but mostly related to muscle and fascia being cut through. My daughter just had the surgery to remove her gall bladder on yesterday. Had my gallbladder removed about a week ago, never had too much pain or anything sever. My big sin is mustard potato salad which I buy a small amount once a week. Just get rid of headaches and happy days. It was unexpected,and the same day I went to get bloating and gassy feelings at a stand alone emergency facility, they took x rays and I was sent to hospital the same day, to have gallbladder surgery. The next day she bled and her clothes were all. I am supposed to begin working in 2 days. I had pasta, sandwhich, coffee, fruits vegies all in moderation. I have been advised to go back to having soups etc,until i am healed inside. After reading this article and others regarding this subject, I read these symptoms should only be temporary, at least till a persons body gets used to having a gallbladder removed. I had taken pain medications for two days but ate prunes as well and did not have trouble with constipation. Was kept in and everything seemed rushed. It is still early but I have tried to eat saltine crackers and vegetable soup which both hurt my stomach. But I am not passing balls. Third day grilled chicken (small piece) salad made of lettuce, tomato, cucumber. No idea what to do the morning of the race. Eat bananas, rice (white or brown), roasted or steamed vegetables (no onion or garlic), green salad with little dressing, grilled chicken and fish. I am able to eat anything, I would say the only difference I notice is possibly a little more gas. But Post gallbladder let me know if it works. I had my gallbladder removed three years ago. Dealing with the morning sickness and hunger has increased my anxiety. I agree with keeping servings small and try new foods gradually. I do eat a low sodium, very low sugar cereal which is high in fiber. I had a major abdominal pain attack an hour later. What helped the most pre and post surgery was getting a good nutritionist who I still see once a month. If i didnt hav the gallbladder removed more stones can grow and the pain culd be worse thats why they dont break the stones up as when u have a gallbladder they can return again. Over the past 19 years I can go past a few hours before having to use the bathroom. Pain can be around awhile. They will take care of you and life on the other side of not having a gallbladder is much better than having one that has great potential to become more severe over time and require more invasive surgery. I had 5 children and the most I ever weighed was 136 with my last child. I also have aid indestion disease and ibsd. I had my Gallbladder removed 4 days ago on the 24th of April. Sent home five days after due to the problems I was having, home three days rushed back in with pain and dehydration, due to not eating or drinking a lot of water. Twice in 3 days had caused a lot of infection. Sometimes doctor is not always right, you have a choice to have a second, third or even fourth opinion before decided. This is indeed a surprise to me and I am happy for the wonderful work. to recoup. Hi I just had my gallbladder out on Tuesday. I just feel sick all the time the pain under my rib cage the bloating the feeling and not being able to eat due to fear of the pain. 5 hours. I only seem to eat just to keep up my strength. Avoid Mexican food - good in the restaurant but left overs about killed me off the next night with the pain. Eating small portions more frequently and trying to control pain without pain killers (not easy though). Its really hard not to eat anything fatty without getting a severe stomach ache. It has felt like a heart attack so I went to the ER once to rule out anything life threatening. After the gallbladder surgery, my life has never been the same. I hope these ideas help those unsure of how to begin this journey without the use of their gallbladder, like me. I rarely feel blotted and uncomfortable even though I also have hiatus hernia. A half teaspoon of ginger in applesauce or ginger tea in my usual iced tea will usually handle the nausea. I have found I get nauseated in the evenings. much to think about. I hope this helps those who are suffering, as he does. I have lost weight and are continuing to lose weight i have more energy and feel fantastic i have been trying to lose weight for ages and now its finally happening I hope everything stays as it is now as its the best i have felt in a very long time. I eat small meals however now I get backed up even though I drink a gallon of water a day along with 6 small meals a day. What foods are best to eat without adding more discomfort. Thank God for my doctor and also for the surgeon that he referred me to at the hospital. In the process my main bile duct was severed. Once it passes then I go to the bathroom and it is hard. Had gastric sleeve 7 years ago so eat smaller meals all the time. No bowel movements yet, and can keep everything down. br that it has to do with my. Told eat anything and did for five months. I do have indigestion more often with stomach cramps and gas and bloating. (Also was diagnosed with a fatty liver from being obese). I was able to stomach it ok but I felt like I had eaten a huge meal. I am 37 yrs old excersice regularly and in ok shape. It has been life-changing, but it never stopped me from pursuing a professional or personal lifestyle. Everything I eat hurts my stomach and makes me sick. I did more research on alternative treatment and found out you do not need to remove your gall bladder simply because of gall stones. I drove for the first time today, I was happy. Hi I just had gallbladder surgery on April 15. I returned to work about three days later. I recently decided this medication was causing some constipation and tried stopping taking it. I had gallbladder surgery 4 weeks ago and it has been terrible. Now if I awaken during the night, I may have a slight growling but 90% less nausea that I had before removal. Lately I am getting the same bloating, discomfort and pain the feeling of a hot poker going in the front right side and strait through to the back but not as intense but unfortunately it will not stop and is continual. Initially I was taking pain relief regularly for the first two days but this gave me severe constipation especially as I was resting either in bed or a chair. (Ive also tried homeopathy, acupuncture, shiatsu, hypnotherapy and reflexology. Eating 6 small meals a day is always the best way to understand how your body is reacting to certain foods. 5 lower tabs. I started walking more and more, and walked a mile and a half yesterday (go at your own pace. People tell me to eat jello and broth but Im finding it hard to be interested in them. Im 63 yrs old was diagnosed with Diverticulosis at 25. Also I having had a bowel movement in 6 day please help me out why the best way to lay in bed. The Dr. Any guidance or advice would be extremely helpful. For the next three days I was very nearly unable to eat as both my digestive and endocrine systems were in shock. Stay away from milk, greasy foods, and mostly stay on liquid diet ( broth, jello, water, chamomile tea)for at least the first 2 days after surgery. I ate a slice of pizza and had no problem. Hopefully as I slowly add more no or low fat items and protein to my diet I will still have success. It would seem it can only get better if we follow some very sound advice from every post on here. But Thank God I was wrong. I drink and eat small quantities and so far so good. Thank you. I consider myself lucky if I go to toilet for bowels every 4 days or so. Recently had gallbladder removed 21 days. My one question concerns my liver blood tests. Until today cramping and diarrhea has become worse. Gallbladder found to be functioning at less than 1% removed a week ago and caught an infection and pneumonia. A lot of foods and drinks i cannot eat or drink anymore. Took Pepto and Tums and it all subsided in 15 minutes and was fine. Quickly I called him and tell him what happened he congratulated me. I had two pieces of toast with the low-fat tomato sauce for dinner with salad. I also have noticed that the rate of issues with diarrhea have also increased. Smaller amounts of food 4-6x a day work the best for me---yogurt, healthy granola bars, etc. at least it was by laser surgery. In 2015 I ended up in hospital again with a gallstone stuck in my bile duct which in turn led to sepsis. Post surgery and the years following i ate my regular fatty diet. My diet has been mainly cooked vegetables, fresh fruits, regular bread, and little portions of dairy foods. The only thing I could drink was water, and I could only eat cornbread, white rice with sugar, and chicken noodle soup. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2014. after one month i continue my soft meal because im scared of Diarrhea, bloating, gas which makes me uneasy. If I do I immediately have a severe attach very similar to previous gallbladder attacks. I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago and have never felt better. It takes time I guess, I feel much better. Am Arlett Kebschull from Germany, I am here to testify about this powerful doctor, Doctor Okadukpon who helped me out of my illness. So in came the chair and out went chocolate, and all the naughty but nice foods which i thought was a good idea as i always maintained that i ate plenty of fresh fruit etc and fruit juice i could drink seriously by the gallon. Before surgery I was going to the bathroom 6 times daily and waking up at night. I got sudden dia. I have found I love a good rice and veggie bowl made at home, and I generally have begun to prefer veggies over meats these days, though I do not cut out the meats. Foods I have eaten so far are broth, jello, soup, two bites of white rice and saltine crackers. So far today April 22nd banana, oatmeal, vitamins, boiled egg. He has extremely difficult time with dehydration even though he drink gaterade constantly all day long. I had my gallbladder removed on July 13,2016. s. I cant stay in my house on the toliet all day nor do i want to. that helped but the recovery is a slow process and when they say 6 weeks they mean it. There were no probiotics left in my system and I contracted a c diff infection. At my 2 week check up my surgeon kept asking if I have loose stools. I have had one emergency run to the bathroom after huevos rancheros. The throat pain Is gone and I have discoverd that whenever I eat somthing fatty (good. I saw the surgeon on Monday and had surgery on Wednesday. HELP. It tastes so good I am hoping I can tolerate some caffeine in moderation. Feels like I am being poisioned every day and am so dizzy (lightheaded) Passed out for ten seconds the other day. Which In turn causes cramps and then the diarrhea. People with a sluggish liver often do not manufacture vitamin D adequately. taking my time to introduce any new foods as i have a friend who eats everything including spices and curry and alcohol so i am taking one step at a time. I was able to start gaining weight again and have more control over my bowel movements. , L. We are considering going t